Ways to deal with children

How can I avoid shouting at my children?

        Kids need to learn how to treat others with respect so they can develop healthy relationships with peers, authority figures, and family members. For years, parenting experts have advised us to use reward and punishment to discipline our children. That seemed to make sense. It was logical. If we want our children to exhibit a certain behavior, reward them. Naturally , it follows that to stop unwanted behavior we should punish our children. We yell, hit threaten and over-react to send a very clear message to our young ones that this is a behavior we ought not see again.

         You’ll be less likely to resort to yelling if you’ve established clear household rules. Explain this rules , in terms your child can understand. Take the time to explain the reasons behind why you are asking him to behave in certain ways. Don’t ask your child to do anything he cannot realistically do. Motivate your child to follow the rules by using positive reinforcement. If there are negative consequences for breaking the rules, there should also be positive consequences for following the rules. Give your child plenty of positive attention to reduce attention-seeking behaviors. So set aside a little one-on-one time each day to motivate your child to keep up the good work.

        When rules are broken, Instead of yelling give your child a warning when she doesn't listen. A clear  warning shows your child that you're serious about being in charge. It’s crucial that your child knows that you’re going to do what you say you will. If you threaten a punishment and then don’t act on it, you will have less credibility the next time. Take your child's age and the seriousness of the offense into consideration when determining a punishment. It’s important for your child to understand that the same result will come from the same behavior. Make your child feel like she has control over her life: If your child behaves a certain way, they will get a certain predictable consequence.

              Teach your child that saying, I’m sorry, doesn’t always fix things.Restitution is about doing something kind for the victim or doing something to make reparations for the damage that has been done. restitution may be necessary to discourage it from happening again.



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